2 min readApr 19, 2019


i feel like a swollen and intense heaviness in my chest and some areas of my head, and my eyes are also swollen too. I’m hungry and there’s nothing to eat. to be honest i have no intentions for even get up right now, so i guess i’ll be hungry for a while

Now, to be more accurate at 03:45 i feel more than just physical pain, and it’s that immense and miserable pain that pervades my mind since I have memory that does nothing but modify and lead my life astray, destroying my dreams and hopes of feeling even a gram of “happiness”. At this point I must at least admit that the only thing that I have left to cling and not fall are the memories I shared in the past with some people who, in some way or another, I consider important… But my arms no longer endure so much weight, and my tears and few hours of sleep, set to my obvious lack of energy, make me think that I should let go; where will I fall? I Don’t know, and maybe not knowing is the only reason i’m still hanging on.

The Day the moon discovered the forest, it was not specifically a special one. She simply came and settled on the shore of a tranquil river of crystalline waters where, after a sigh, she decided to stay the rest of her life. Looking for the sky was difficult since the countless trees covered it almost entirely, however, it did not prevent the rays of the sun from reaching their cheeks. It was then that in the twinkling of an eye, she had already installed his home. There, a lush and almost impenetrable forest where peace is the one that reigns, is the place that the moon chooses to spend its saddest days




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